He directed “Beloved days” creative documentary, in his feature debut. He has made also two short documentaries.
He also works as a freelance in tv series and commercials. He is also one of the director of Walking Around The world, independent com-
pany productions based in Cyprus. Filmography: A true story (2007, awarded short documentary), Hope against “Hopeless” (2008, awarded
short documentary),“30” – “Trianta” (narrative short-will be release in 2018). | Distribution: 2017 “Beloved days” by 10Francs distribution
company | 2015 HOPE AGAINST HOPELESS Awarded tv documentary. Distribution in USA by FILMSMEDIA GROUP New York and
TETRAKTYS distribution company in Cyprus | Awards 2016 BELOVED DAYS Best documentary jury award @4th IndiaCineFilmFesti-
val | 2009 The Union of Cyprus Journalist Contest / 2nd prize/ “Hope against Hopeless” .His films have appeared in a number of interna-
tional film festivals, in Spain, Greece, USA, Cyprus, Alexandria and have been theatrically release in London, Hungary and Cyprus.